Van Tho Le1*, Doan Dang Phan1 , Ngoc Diem My Tran2 , Van Son Dang1 , Van Tu Nguyen1 , Duc Thien Luong1
1 Institute of Tropical Biology, VAST
2 University of Science, VNU-HCM
The littoral macroinvertebrates have been commonly used in monitoring, assessing water quality and ecological health in ecosystems and water bodies in Vietnam. This study surveyed and analysed samples of littoral macroinvertebrates at 10 sites belonging five habitats in Lang Sen Wetland Reserve, Long An province in June and Septemper, 2015. Results recorded 43 species belonging to 4 classes, 2 phyla, including phylum arthropoda (30 species) and phylum mollusca (13 species). In the surveyed area, the number of species of aquatic insects was the highest, and that of the crustacea was the lowest. In the studied habitats, number of species, density, and diversity index (H’) of littoral macroinvertebrates were the highest in permanent wetland (conservation areas), but the lowest in rice fields. This study also showed that number of species, density, and diversity index (H’) of littoral macroinvertebrates were not significantly different between the two surveys, but were different among habitats.
distribution, Lang Sen, littoral macroinvertebrates, species composition, wetland.