The aim of this study was to design and optimize ethambutol-loaded nanoparticles. Methods: a Taguchi L16 (4^5) experimental model was designed by Design-Expert software v.10.0.7 including 16 experiments. Five independent variables were ethambutol/poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) ratio, acetate ethyl/dichloromethane ratio, amplitude of first-stage (W), amplitude of second-stage (W), pressure of evaporation (mbar). Each independent variable was studied at four levels. Dependent variables were size, polydispersity index, entrapment efficacy, drug loading. Based on ANOVA results and the influence of independent variables on dependent variables, Design-Expert software offered optimal formulas with different desirability values. Results exhibited that, the experiment with the highest desirability value (0.897) was selected; optimized parameters of independent variables included: ethambutol/poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) ratio was 1:1; acetate ethyl/dichloromethane ratio was 0:10; amplitude of first-stage was 150 (W); amplitude of second-stage was 150 (W). Verification experiments (n=3) obtained highly repeatable analytical values and were similar to the predicted data from the software. Conclusion: the factors that affect the preparation of ethambutol-loaded poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles were successfully optimised by Design-Expert software.
anti-tuberculosis drugs, Design-Expert, ethambutol, nanoparticles