In this paper, the authors present some results of assessments on fracture, landslide and earthquake hazards of the Khe Bo - Ban Ve Hydropower area, Nghe An Province. The results have shown that:
- In the Khe Bo Hydropower area: the earthquake occurrence could reach the maximum magnitude of 6.0 (Mmax=6.0); the maximum ground acceleration of the dam basement gains the value of 210 cm/s2 (PGA=210 cm/s2); the high fracture and landslide hazards belong to the reservoir; meawhile, along to the dam profile, the fracture hazard is high, and the landslide hazard is at the average level.
- In the Ban Ve Hydropower area: the earthquake occurrence could reach the maximum magnitude of 6.0 (Mmax=6.0); the maximum ground acceleration of the dam basement has the value of 210 cm/s2 (PGA=210 cm/s2 ); the very high fracture and landslide hazards belong to the reservoir; and along to the dam profile, the fracture hazard is at the average level, but the landslide hazard is at the very high level.
- There is insignificant risk of triggered earthquake occurrence in the Khe Bo and Ban Ve reservoirs. If the natural earthquake occurs near by the Khe Bo and Ban Ve dams with the magnitude 6.0, it cannot cause the remarkable ground liquefaction.
Ban Ve Hydropower, earthquake, fracture, Khe Bo Hydropower, landslide, triggered earthquake.